If there is a trick to doing something, this is the place to find out about it. This site is filled with workarounds and innovative ways to increase productivity with your digital and analog worlds. There are tips on the latest and greatest finds that the Internet has to offer. Often times, in the educational setting we are forced to find creative ways of using technology on a limited budget. This site is a great asset in that respect.

Another of the gadget hacking blogospheres. This site focuses more on the world of portable electronic gizmos and how to trick them into doing what you want them to do (or didn’t even know that they could do). Again, when there is a need for a cheap alternative to expensive hardware, or just for unlocking the potential of the equipment you have, this is the place to feed.

As the Blackboard Administrator for our school, it seemed only suiting to subscribe to Blackboard’s RSS feed. Hopefully, I can keep up on the latest news about updates and support for our LMS, and stay on the crest of the wave when there is something new happening with the system.

I have always been fascinated by the open source initiative, and hoped that this would have accepted with more open arms by our campus community. My predecessor had begun developing a Moodle alternative to the Blackboard system we use now. I would like to revitalize that project, and support the open-source community.

I am relatively new to the world of web design, but since nearly everything I do utilizes the web I am always looking for those “how do they do that” tutorials. This site provides just that; tips, tricks, and tweaks for the budding web artist. We all have to start somewhere!
[Lifehacker logo image]. (2010). Retrieved February 15, 2010 from: http://www.lifehacker.com/
[Gizmodo logo image]. (2010). Retrieved February 15, 2010 from: http://www.gizmodo.com
[Blackboard logo image]. (2010). Retrieved February 15, 2010 from: http://www.blackboard.com
[Moodle logo image].(2010). Retrieved February 15, 2010 from: http://www.moodle.com
[Webdesigner Depot logo image]. (2010). Retrieved February 15, 2010 from: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/
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