Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kraky Justin - LMO Wk4 - UDUTU Project

For my UDUTU lesson, I chose a project created in Musical Theory and Educational Applications. This lesson was designed for the Advanced Audio Production class at Keystone College, and teaches audio physics principles and terminology.

I found the UDUTU platform slightly awkward in the beginning, and it took me a few tries before realizing that I needed to save all of my changes after making them. Once I got the hang of it, the platform revealed itself to be very versatile. I was able to create a guided video lesson with two forms of assessment. At the midway assessment point, if the learner answered any of the questions incorrectly they would be redirected back to the appropriate lesson. For the final assessment, the learner would have to answer a series of five multiple-choice questions correctly to successfully complete the lesson.

I was very impressed with how easy it was to create highly interactive teaching components with UDUTU, and I can’t wait to import them into our school’s CMS and use them for class this upcoming semester.

Click the link below to see a published version of the lesson. Because I am using the free account, you will see a watermark over the lesson. Simply click on the watermark to make it go away.
COMM 320 - Advanced Audio Production


  1. Justin,

    Beautiful job on your UDUTU! It was clean, easy to follow and interesting. This is something I would love to your show some of our high school students. This is the type of lesson that can easily be shown as an opening to a Unit Plan.

    Nice job!

  2. Justin, to begin with, your project looks and sounds very professional. It is aesthetically pleasing and very easy to navigate from each mini-lesson to the next. The assessments are timed at appropriate intervals so the learner doesn't have to struggle to recall the answers.

    Your media assets are professional looking, and I could see this project being used throughout the web in many professional settings.

    Nicely done.

  3. Justin,

    Very neat and well organized. Your project was easy to follow. I, too, found Udutu to be quite versatile and I'm looking toward future use with the faculty in my district. Great idea for a midpoint assessment and a final summative assessment with redirection back to the necessary lesson to reteach the content.

  4. Justin,

    An excellent job on an excellent project. I would love to use this lesson this year with our Science Olympiad team. The material is very well organized, with small enough "chunks" on a page to insure the students remain engaged. The assessment was clear and straight forward. I admit, I missed one question because, in typical student fashion, I got in a hurry in scanning the answer choices and mis-read the selection!

  5. Justin,

    Great project. Your videos, narration, and activities are very well balanced and make for a compelling lesson. I enjoyed the word-selection assessment (I'm going to add one to my own lesson now!) as it really got me thinking and reflecting on the material. If you were ever going to deploy this exact lesson I would suggest editing some of the audio narration to summarize the previous slide briefly (a few words) as one or two slides begins with "This is from..." on slide 4 for example wherein a learner without a strong background in the subject may have to jump between slides to remember the specific element being referred to.

    Clearly though, really well done. Great use of Udutu's technology.

  6. Justin great project! I teach tech for the stage and I would love to use your lesson for my class. Justin you are a wunder kid with your flash work, your animations are very clean and well done. Your visual approach to lesson on sound is nothing short of brilliant, wow what a great idea to show us sound.
    Justin your narrations are also well done, again they are technically very superior to anything I've heard thus far at Full Sail. Thanks for your hard work you have managed to inspire me and make me green with envy. Well Done!

  7. Justin,

    Very nice UDUTU course on Advance Audio Production. The process and flow of your course was very easy to follow. Your content was very short and concise and kept you very interested and the message you were discussing. I really loved your video clips that collated with each slide. Very nice layout. Great job!

  8. Justin,

    I truly feel your course is the best. It is so polished and applicable for what you are doing. Thank you for sharing it with us and for helping me get through all those flash conversion hang ups.

  9. I’m very impressed with Justin’s Lessons; the narration is absolutely clear and precise; although it is a lesson that presents a theme that is not my preferred the work made by Justin motivates the learner to watch it.

    After viewing the content of the lesson twice I had the opportunity to answer the assessment that by the way was excellent designed.

    Thank you Justin for such an interesting topic.

  10. professional grade job. I kept taking the unit until I got all of the answers correct. great job.
