Sunday, September 19, 2010

MAC – Month 11 – Week 3 - Free Choice

This month’s readings have really inspired me to rethink my approach to life. I think after almost a year of highly intense and often stressful study in this program I have forgotten some of reasons why I started it in the first place.

1.) I want to become a more effective teacher.
2.) I want to inspire students to be as fascinated as I am about the subject matter I am in teaching it.

I think it is very easy for us to take our perceptions of reality as reality, and allow what we think is going on to color how we feel about it. So many times throughout this year I have become stressed and felt that I wouldn’t be able to see this endeavor through. Every time this happened, it would send me in a downward spiral of blaming myself for not being able to do it under the conditions, or blaming the program for being too difficult. This is like saying that in order for me to succeed there can be no obstacles in my path, and that the competition must throw the fight so I can be the victor. I have been allowed to remember this month that it is pressure that turns carbon into a diamond. The more difficult the challenge, the stronger one will be when they survive it.

So how do we survive the immense pressures that are placed on us daily? It may seem too easy to say, “Just don’t let it bother you”, but in essence this is what we must do. The more time we spend not accepting everything for the way it is, the more weight we add to our already very heavy lives. This in turn can make us focus on the weight we are carrying instead of where we are walking. This always makes us fall.

I am glad we had the opportunity to read “The Art of Possibility” at this point in our journey. It made me ask the question, “Why am I doing all of this?” Remembering that I am here to inspire others, has given me the inspiration to forge ahead.

1 comment:

  1. You are participating in passing on the energy that you've received from others, adding to it your own special insights and flavor. Question is whether what you contribute takes the energy in an empowering direction for others or is used to disable others. I hate to say that the vast majority give not one though about their interconnection with others and define success as the ability to put one foot in front of the other on a regular basis and occasionally do it faster than their neighbor. We are capable of so much more and have so much more to offer.
