Monday, September 6, 2010

MAC Wk1 Project Post – Open Topic

For this assignment I decided to perform the exercise of “Giving myself an A” as described in “The Art of Possibility” by Zander and Zander.

Tuesday, December 21st

Dear Full Sail University,

Today I will walk at graduation knowing that anything is possible. Like any of us who are reflecting, my journey began a long ago and only now am I able to see why every single moment of my life had to happen for me to be right here, right now. In the formal years of my early education I never performed as an “A” student because I didn’t think I was one. It probably wasn’t until my junior year at college that I really realized why I was in school at all. I actually wanted to learn. There wasn’t a definitive moment when the light bulb went on, but at some point I started becoming absolutely fascinated with the subject matter we were studying. Then my marks began to improve. At some point I realized that I could get an “A” and that it wasn’t impossible for me to be an “A” student. From there more and more doors opened up in front of me.

When life had presented me with a reason and a motivation to pursue a graduate degree, I thought, “If I could choose any school, where would I want to want to learn from?” So I applied, and was accepted. Never before would I have thought that possible. I knew that I would have to step up to the challenge. And as challenging as it was, I did it. There were plenty of times throughout that I wanted to give up, but I made it here. Now I am poised and ready for whatever life can throw at me.

I am receiving an “A” because I realize now that anything I focus my attention on can be a reality. It is all about scraping away the inessentials from the block of marble. We are all capable of becoming a work of art, if we are willing to shed the parts of ourselves that are keeping us from revealing this true nature. I appreciate everything I have learned throughout this journey, and the resonation it has created will carry me on a wave throughout the rest of my life.

With sincerity,

Justin Kraky

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