Sunday, September 19, 2010

MAC – Month 11 – Week 3 - Reading – The power of "The Force"

Most of my life I have been intrigued as to the possibilities of the human psyche. Probably from the first time I watched the Star Wars movies, I have wanted to cultivate “The Force”. Over the years, I had come across literature where people were performing supernatural acts that defied the laws of science. Humans that could regulate their body temperature, slow their heart rate, or move objects with their mind, functions that by previous definition were involuntary or impossible. When it was found that there were definitive changes in the brain wave patterns of individuals who could perform these acts, it was evidence to me that we were discovering an unknown energy. What else were we not seeing? At CERN in Switzerland, it was shown that the paths of subatomic particles were being influenced by the presence of scientists observing them. This seemed to link the power of our minds to our physical reality. If our presence were capable of having an effect on the outcome of a controlled experiment, what would happen if we were to focus our intentions? And how to we approach achieving this level of ability?

This weeks reading of “The Art of Possibility”, seemed to touch on where our minds need to be in order to focus our personal powers. Much like the Jedi, if we dwell on fear, anger, hate, or other emotions that rise from the Calculating Self, we move ourselves further from the light to the dark side of the Force. By being ever-present and aware of what is happening right now, we are able to see possibilities that we would have missed if we were “stuck in our own heads”. From this balanced point, we can also take on any conflict in our path effortlessly because we are only dealing with one thing at a time. We do this without fear of losing to the obstacles up ahead, or how we dealt with conflict in the past.

This type of focus also seems to generate ripples that radiate outward into our world. When we encounter a person who has experienced extreme hardship yet doesn’t seem rattled, we are inspired. When we witness a performer who is so adept and passionate about they are doing, we cannot help but be moved to our cores. This spark could be the result of waves of energy emanating outward and touching us. Much like a struck tuning fork can make another still tuning fork vibrate when they are placed near each other, perhaps our personal energy level can influence all those around us. If you watch the way waves interact in water, waves that are in harmony with one another will amplify each other’s power. By radiating waves of harmonic energy we have the potential to affect everything in our paths. What kind of world would you create if you were able to tap into this power?

1 comment:

  1. Justin,

    The human psyche is an amazing art, gift or unexplainable behavior of our "being" that we may never know how it truly operates. I too have always been very interested in how this part of the brain functions where it really appears as if its mind over matter. Great article!
