Thursday, September 23, 2010

MAC - Month 11 - Week 4 - Publishing-Leadership Project - Part 2 of 2: The Reception

Now that the Media Services website has had a few test runs, and the majority of the bugs are worked out of the system, the first place I would like present this work is at the Keystone College Administrative Council meeting. This monthly gathering serves as a forum for members of the College to communicate information about current policies and explore new ideas. It also provides an avenue to voice development initiatives to the executive committee of the council, which in turn acts as a liaison to members of the Cabinet, and the President of Keystone College. I will inquire about sharing this presentation at the November 9th meeting.

The presentation will consist of an explanation as to how my Action Research project was created to address the need of instructional technology support at the College, and how the work created through the project could provide a solution. Keystone has a growing online program, and a non-traditional program that meets on weekends. Providing this technology support infrastructure in an online format would help students and staff who cannot be on campus during our face-to-face support hours. I would then like to present the MS website, and give a short demonstration of the functionality and how to access it.

In addition to a live unveiling to the administration of Keystone I will also present the system to the campus via our daily newsletter, the K.C. Morning E-Notes. This information could be publicized at several times throughout the academic year, primarily nearing the start of each semester. Since it is sent to every email inbox on campus, there is a high probability that the website will get noticed.

This project could also be presented in two Keystone publications; The Chronicle, and the Keystonian. The Chronicle is a monthly newsletter designed to keep students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni current with Keystone events. The Keystonian is an annual publication that concentrates on letting the community know about new developments at the school and its intended growth for the future. Both of these publications would be another great way to broadcast this new support system. You can find the archives to these publications here.

This system is custom made for Keystone College, so I feel that the initial venues to approach are ones that can function to disseminate the information to the rest of the school. For the future of this project I could see this support system helping our online program grow to offer more degrees, and make a Keystone education possible for a larger body of individuals for whom traditional education is not possible. I am excited for the possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. As I mentioned in our wimba session, you've shared worthy goals, but I think we can shoot even higher to share/publish on a regional/Special Interest Group level.
